

Today I was thinking about anxiety and depression and how people that have it can be so hard on themselves and fail to see the huge steps they take everyday to go out of their comfort zone. Everyday tasks like getting out of bed, going to work and doing errands alone can be hard. There would be days that I went to the gym and wanted to cry during my workout because my anxiety was so bad but I refused to let it keep me home and away from something I love doing.

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Thank You


Over the coarse of me starting my blog I’ve had a lot of positive feed back from people that have been following it. I want to say THANK YOU to all of you who have messaged me saying such nice things. And THANK YOU to anyone that has taken the time to read my posts. It means so much to me to have people support me in doing this blog. I was so scared to post anything to the public so I started by just posting things privately, just for me. It was my new “journal” if you will. I finally got the courage to post something public and I’m so glad I did.

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Positive vibes only

Well as some of you may know I was going through a divorce and I’m so excited that it all got finalized yesterday! I feel like I can finally move past that part of my life. It was quite the experience and I don’t wish it upon anyone. But when it needs to happen it … Read more